Youngest Children’s Community

serving children 15 months to 3 years old

Our Youngest Children’s Community is a home-like environment especially designed for our young members aged 15 months through 3 years old. The children here are cared for in a safe and nurturing environment that fosters trust in themselves and their world while supporting the development of their own self-sufficiency.

Parents around the world are familiar with the young child’s request for independence in everyday tasks. The idea of the “terrible twos” has taken hold in our contemporary culture, however, at Yucca Blossom we recognize that it is the innate desire of each human to engage in meaningful work and experiences.

The Youngest Children’s Community supports each child in developing confidence in their emerging abilities through freely chosen activities that support gross and fine motor skills, as well as language development.

The children are given an active role in the daily tasks of self-care, such as food preparation, dressing and undressing, and early toileting. The ability to care for oneself is essential for the child’s budding independence development.

Children in the Youngest Children’s Community are guaranteed placement in our Children’s House upon readiness. Children transition to the Children’s House between two-and-a-half and three years old, in accordance with their individual development.

a message from your child:

“help me to help myself”

Let us say it straight out — the child wants to do everything all by himself.
— Maria Montessori

The contrast between a Montessori program for young children and a traditional daycare setting is pronounced.

We invite you to learn more by registering for our next Information Session below. 

"Since our son started at Yucca Blossom, it has made life so much better - for everyone! It has honestly saved my relationship with my son... We haven't been anywhere else that engages, educates, and simply helps parents the way Yucca does.” -

Youngest Children’s Community parent