The Children’s House

serving children 3 years old - 7 years old

Maria Montessori established the first casa de bambini, or Children’s House, over a century ago in San Lorenzo, Rome. Modern day versions of those early casas exist all over the world to this day. The casa is a very special place; a place where young children live and learn together as they take part in the day-to-day rhythms of life. At Yucca Blossom Montessori, we honor that legacy by referring to our preschool-aged community as “the Children’s House.”

Our community for 3 to 7 year old children provides age-appropriate activities that foster the growth of functional independence, task-persistence and self-regulation.

The Children’s House contains materials designed to refine sensory perception, motor skills, and social skills. It provides opportunities for language and mathematical skill development. Creative expression and exploration are encouraged through a variety of fine art explorations.

We use the clear communication of limits and natural consequences to support the child’s budding social development.

“When a grownup thinks of work, he thinks of doing something as a means to an end — spending his days in an office for the sake of a salary — but a child’s work is based on doing things for their own sake.”

Maria Montessori

The Full Cycle Experience

Children enter the Children’s House between the age of 2.5 and 3.5 years old and remain through their first-grade year. During this time, the child moves from unconscious action to intentionality. Each year builds on the experiences from the prior year, creating a fertile foundation for future learning. The third year of the cycle is an essential, crowning year. In the third, or sometimes fourth year depending on their starting age, the child has the opportunity to exercise authentic leadership.

The full-cycle child becomes a teacher, friend, and mentor to the younger children and in doing so, increases their own learning and maturity. It is reflected in their knowledge, stewardship, and mentorship within the community and fosters true self-esteem and self-efficacy, which are the foundation of exploration and learning.

Upon graduating from the Children’s House, the child is ready to take on a new journey- whether that is at Yucca Studios: An Acton Academy, or a traditional second grade.

To begin the Children’s House journey, the child must be fully toilet independent.